If you didn’t already know we make our home in central Florida, otherwise known as THE SUNSHINE STATE! Yes it gets hot, and humid, and yes there are alligators around. But all of that contributes to the beauty of living here. We created our Trilogy Cold Brew Blend to keep you cool, caffeinated, and satisfied in the Florida climate. Our cold brew is a daily companion for many of our customers and now we offer it to you here to share in a little bit of our Florida life.
- Country: Colombia & Honduras
- Altitude: 800 – 1,700 m.
- Variety: Varied based on seasonality
- Process: Washed
- Tasting notes: Medium roast with notes of cocoa, caramel, almond, and citrus.
Brewing Method: Coarse grind this coffee and steep in filtered water for 12-18 hours. We use an ounce of coffee per 8 ounces of water to make a concentrate then dilute to taste. But like any brewing method we suggest you experiment to fine tune it to your taste!